Thursday 13 September 2012

[Animals] Fact Searching

If you read my last post on the My Bahari blog, you'll know that I've been raging over this protest that's going to happen at the Aquarium. I've been looking through the event's Facebook listing, and was appalled when I saw a comment along the lines of, "I had no idea it was such a terrible place! Do you have any pamphlets so I can learn more?"

This seriously bothers me. I can say with 100% certainty that a lot of what this group says is grossly exaggerated, if not completely false. To see someone read it, and immediately trust it, is frightening. There are so many things, about so many subjects, that don't always show the truth. I'm seriously troubled by people who would just fully embrace something as truth like that.

I'm not even talking about this particular subject of protests, and marine mammals, and aquariums and captivity anymore. This is in general.

I urge everyone out there, when learning something new, to approach it from all angles, read on a variety of sources, before fully taking something as the honest and good truth. Don't be stupid, don't jump into something so blindly. Do your research. Being spoon fed lies and outlandish ideas is nothing to be proud of. Form your own opinions.

Too often I think, people let themselves get brainwashed by the internet. Heck, I'm pretty sure it's made me dumber, and lazier. I will never let anyone control my opinions though, and I hold onto that value very closely. I just see too many things out there, that are blatantly incorrect, and because there is so much hype surrounding them, they believe every word of it.

Please, please, do your research and look at it from all angles, before forming a solid opinion on something.

I just really needed to get that out of my system...The thought of living in a world of people who can't/won't think for themselves is a terrifying thing. Things can go terribly wrong if people only think with their hearts, and not the facts.

Science, dear readers, is your friend. Seek wisdom and truth, not fleeting notions and lofty goals.


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