Tuesday 25 September 2012

[Wedding & Health] It's Official!

This will be a short, short, post...but I've done it!

Yesterday, I went back to Coyote Creek and put down my deposit to rent our room! Yes, we are officially getting married now. (Sorry baby, no backing out now!)

Now begins the real planning...sorting out exactly what I want to do theme-wise, picking colors, and even wedding dress shopping! Though, I still dread that last part. I just need to work on channeling my inner zen master, and not stress over any of this.

 My biggest challenge of course, will be losing weight. That's been a frustrating battle thus far. I'm realizing exactly how big my problem is...Today, I had a cookie. I told myself, "I just need one more, and I'm done." Need. NEED? It's an f'ing cooking. I'm so full of excuses, it really sickens me. I think I need to sit down sometime soon, and find some yummy looking recipes that look simple to make. I have a hard time, even when I make something that should be healthy, believing it's really good for me. I need to find that special menu that tastes healthy, is healthy, and I want to eat more of! There's just so much I can't stand...broccoli, peppers, spinach, lots of leafy greens...Either the texture makes me want to gag, or the taste does. It's honest to goodness frustrating.

I'll keep you all posted on that, any how...Wish me luck! I need all the help and support I can get.


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