Thursday 16 August 2012

[Transit] Single-file Monkey Style?

So proper escalator etiquette dictates that you "walk left, stand right". However, there are some idiots who refuse the acknowledge this, and stand on the left side. Despite the growing line of annoyed people behind them, who are considerably less lazy.

Today, I saw a blind man get on the escalator with his dog. They got on, the man on the right, the dog on his left. The man pulled the dog closer to his side, to free up space on the left. "Come here, let's leave room for people to walk." he said. The BLIND man has better etiquette then a good handful of diagonal-bound folks. Seriously. It isn't a difficult task. Do you have some grand excuse that you absolutely must stand beside the person you're traveling with? Doubtful. Quit being a douche.

Lines. I've ranted about this on other blogs before, but I'm in the mood to do so again.
Let's go with a recent experience. Today I went to grab a drink at Tim Hortons. Generally, the line will start at the designated 'please wait here' sign, and follow along the wall of the corridor the restaurant is in. (That make sense? ). However, some people, just want to watch the world burn. Instead of following the wall, they start turning the line so that it goes out, and cuts across the corridor, blocking the pedestrian flow. What is wrong with you? Do you lead such a charmed life that you need to rebel now and then? Try a different shampoo, instead of inconveniencing other mall-goers.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A line is one of the most simple concepts. It's a line, that's all there is to it. Why do people feel the need to deviate from the norm, and take it on an outrageous new adventure?

Lines for the bus are even worse. When I wait for a bus, unless it's pouring rain and I don't have an umbrella, I will stand next to the bus stop to wait. That's just what you do, isn't it? I can understand elderly people sitting on the benches, and anyone else with an injury or something like that. I don't think that gives them the right to budge in line though...I dunno, when I'm old and grey, I will wait my turn in line. If people are kind enough to let me in front, great. I'd hope someone would also offer my a courtesy seat, but that's it.

 So sit on the bench if you need to, or stand in line. Don't be a weirdo standing next to the benches, or 5,6,7 feet down the road from the bus stop. Just, use some common sense, eh?

Ugh, I'm done. /endrant


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