Wednesday 29 August 2012

[Gaming] Oops, I Did it Again...

 I made a new lost in the game. Ooh, baby it might seem like too much, but that doesn't mean, that I'm serious! 

 Ahem. Anyways. On the agenda today? My alt problem, and patch 5.0.4.!

 Yeah...So, I decided it was better to have my alts all on one server, (or three, in reality), so I deleted my old ones (most weren't quite level 30 yet), and re-rolled them onto less servers. If anyone wants a breakdown, here ya go:
Moon Guard
In my Horde guild, the Bahari : Deizi'ja (Troll druid, guild leader), Boomber (Goblin mage), Tiragh (Orc warrior), Buugi (Troll shaman), Lauradel (Forsaken death knight), Kavnah (Tauren hunter), and soon to inclue Dai'xi (Pandaren monk).
Alliance side, I've got Kisytt (Worgen rogue) in a friends' guild, Jade Dragons.

I've made an Alliance version of The Bahari, which is home to Theiah (Human paladin, guild leader), Gimmix (Gnome mage), Shaleyn (Dwarf shaman), and Silvarah (Night Elf priest).

In a friend's guild, Brotherhood of Steel, is Kaijah (Draenei death knight).

I've made it a point to have at least one of each race and class. Because I'm a dork. :P I may be setting up some pages for them here to post their information, back stories, etc. That reminds me, I need to update this page's wallpaper, it's pretty out of date.

 This is what I do. Deal with it. 
Now, onto the latest patch, 5.0.4. How much do I love this? I want to have Blizzard's babies. I can't rave about the account-wide mounts and pets enough! I'm sure there are plenty of people whining about a new, bigger, shinier 'easy button'...but as a gal who has an obvious alt problem, this makes me very happy. To not have to grind on every alt of that pretty pet or mount that I want? YES. No more Mag'har grinding for Talbuk mounts on another alt? Thank you! I'm so happy that Blizzard finally implemented this. I'm sure we'll find plenty of bugs and kinks, as I doubt this was terribly easy for them to set up. (Especially with the pet battle system now underway.)

Pet, we can't actually use this feature yet, so it's hard to say for sure what will happen. However, I'm really hoping this new account-wide business comes into play with this  as well, in that if I level  a pet on one server, that will carry over to the other. This though, is just my alt-itis speaking again. *cough*

I don't really pay attention to patch notes, so a lot of this is new to me. Though, I did watch a video that highlighted some of the bigger things like account-wide bliss. One feature I'm liking is a "What has changed?" tab on the (I believe) Spellbook window. It gives you the rundown on the changes to your class. How handy is that? I love it!

Another delightful surprise (and another 'easy button' feature, which I love, because I'm lazy), is the boost to guild xp and reputation! Instead of grinding guild rep for years just to get to friendly, I'm flying into the good graces of my guild! For example, I had Shaleyn join The Bahari at level one. By the time she hit level five, she was friendly with the guild. Wowzah! I'm sure I'd be level sixty by the time that happened in the "olden days". Granted, that doesn't mean I've come close to being able to afford the 125g tabard that unlocks at friendly. Ah well. I most certainly won't complain!

In short, thank you Blizzard! You've made the life of a hopeless altoholic so much more happy and enjoyable. <3


PS: While it's not super fantastic, my lag problem seems to have vanished when I got a new mouse! Yay :D

Edit:: Drats, looks like I'm going to have to wait to update Modelviewer before I can update that. :<

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