Monday 5 November 2012

[Budget & Holidays] Christmas Planning

So, here's the deal...I love Christmas to bits...but it can sure be stressful! Espescially on a budget.
I'm currently digging through articles and websites on cheap gift ideas...but I have yet to see anything that really applies to me. Not of it is really 'cheap'.

There is the default of baking for everyone. People seem to appreciate that. But that isn't always as easy as it sounds...I thought about it, and I may have to resort to that, but it's incredibly time consuming...Time that I don't know I'll have. There's the mixing and prep which, if you're making multiple cookies like I do (because one type of treat is boring),  takes forever. The baking (I'll only be able to bake 6-8 cookies at a time, of perhaps 100 or so that I'd need to bake.), and the decorating!

I certainly can't buy conventional gifts...and it's very frustrating! I have friends and family that I love dearly, and would really like to be able to give them great gifts. One year, I spent $80-ish on each family member...That was great! It's the worst feeling of disappointment to wonder how you can possibly show everyone how much you care.

I'd really wanted to post a list of gift ideas that are both easy on the time aspect, and the wallet. Unfortunately, everything that I could find is either very time consuming, or costs more than I assume any normal person on a budget these days could afford!

I had pondered maybe just hand-making a bunch of Christmas cards..but again, time consuming. I have also sworn off cards. I will make birthday cards for my fiance, because I know he really likes to keep them, but that's about it. The way I see it, they're a wast of money. If you're buying one, that is. It seems like a huge waste to spend $5 for some paper with writing that a person will look at, and throw out. Or maybe put it on display for a couple days. I'm sorry, but if you don't know how I feel, I haven't effectively communicated that to you, and I'm sorry.

The holidays are indeed stressful...everyone seems to have different reasons for it, too. For me, I just can't give everyone what I want, and that eats me up inside.

I think perhaps a trip to the craft store is in order...ideas are stewing, and I don't want to spoil it if I follow through. If it doesn't work out, I'll let you guys know what I'd wanted to do. :)

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