Tuesday 20 November 2012

[Social Media] *Like*

I can't help but think of how lazy and impersonal we're becoming with the ride of social media. It's quite sad, actually, and I would like to make an effort to return to the old ways, even a little bit.

I've never been a fan of short-form. Abbreviations make me cringe...that's part of my crusade against a lack of respect in communication.

Anyhow, my reason for posting is this. I'm realizing that "Like" and "Favorite", and any other similar one-click thumbs-uppery is just incredibly lazy. In keeping with my "laziness is a lack of respect" view, simply clicking the 'Like' button is just kind of rude. True, I love it when people 'like' a post of mine. But I love comments even more! I want to know exactly what people are thinking, how they feel when they click. Exactly why did you click? Do you have anything to add?

It's kind of pathetic how lonely I feel when someone 'likes' a post, and leaves no comment. I'm just not worth the time of day? I'm sure that's not it, but I just can't help but feel a little empty inside.

I doubt many others feel this way, happy with their social lives...but, I'm making it a goal, from this point forward to take the time to leave a real comment on any post that I enjoy, or respond, or whatever the medium calls for.

I think the biggest issue I have in this respect is on DeviantArt. I work very hard on my art, and I frankly find it quite disrespectful for someone to simply click. 'Favorite' or 'Collect'. Please, let me know what I'm doing right! I appreciate the small token of love, but it really does me no favors.

I don't mean to sound harsh, I just wish people would be more respectful, and take the time to properly communicate with each other. This world and its technology has us distanced from each other, so disconnected. It's quite frightening!

Show your friends and family some textual love, and time! Next time you enjoy someones post, I encourage you to share a little with them in return. I can't imagine anyone who would dislike getting comments on their art, page, tweets, wall, whatever.

Keep spreading the love, my beauties!

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